Photo Gallery

2014 Troutfest Art Exhibit and Blessing of the Poles - Friday's events

Shyanne Jones - 11th grade "Top Choice In Show" winner

"Top choice In Show" winner for 12th grade - by Whitney Pierce
(This mosaic art piece is made with broken tiles and crushed glass)

"Top choice In Show for most Innovative" winners for 12th grade are
Bret Korytkowski, Kyle Karrip, Kenzie Bitson, Lauren Thayer and Alex Karrip
(This 4'x4' mosaic art piece is made with laundry detergent caps)

"1st place" in 3rd grade - Kyrsten Garter
(This mixed media collage piece was created with paper, paint and crayons)

2014 Troutfest Comedy Show - Thursday's event

2013 Newaygo Troutfest images (below)

4th place Troutfest Raffle Drawing Winners!

1st place minnow eating Mike Barrisi
2nd       Rex Burkall

Troutfest Art Exhibit - hosted by the Stream (downtown Newaygo)

A few of the winners!

One of the 1st place Winners!

Proud Artists showing off her work!

Troutfest Art Exhibit - had a great turnout of particpants!

Local Anglers gathered to have their fishing poles blessed at Brooks Park

it was a great turn out this year!

Troutfest Euchre Tournament Participants

Biggest Loser Winner!

Another winner!

...and another winner!

....and the best score winner!

"Fun Times For All" at the Troutfest Comedy Show hosted by Sportsman's Bar below:

Miss Trout Jr. waving in people to the day 1 celebrations
VFW Fish Fry

slient auction

Miss Trout Sr. on the street corner

Miss Trout Jr.